1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 2004 International Decision Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3 * 4 * By using this Software, You acknowledge that the Software is a valuable asset 5 * and trade secret of either International Decision Systems, Inc. ("IDSI") or a 6 * third party supplier of IDSI and constitutes confidential and proprietary 7 * information. 8 * 9 * NEITHER IDSI NOR ANY AGENT OR PERSON ACTING FOR OR WITH IDSI HAS MADE OR DOES 10 * MAKE ANY STATEMENTS, AFFIRMATIONS, REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER 11 * TO YOU, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE SOFTWARE, THE QUALITY OR 12 * CONDITION OF THE SOFTWARE, OR THE OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS OR RELIABILITY OF 13 * THE SOFTWARE, OR ITS SUITABILITY FOR ANY GENERAL OR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR AS 14 * TO ANY OTHER MATTER WHATSOEVER; ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING 15 * WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY LAW, SUCH AS THE IMPLIED 16 * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND TITLE, 17 * USE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT; ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED. 18 */ 19 package net.sourceforge.addam.ddlgen; 20 21 /** 22 * Used to denote a single table to include or exclude. 23 * Date: Nov 11, 2004 24 */ 25 public class Table { 26 private String name; 27 28 public void setName(String name) { 29 this.name = name; 30 } 31 32 public String getName() { 33 return name; 34 } 35 36 }